Though BoVi HR comes with a built in Shift Manager, it is important to note that the Time and Attendance module, by default, does not use Shifts created in the Shift Manager to calculate Regular, Part-time and Over-time hours. By default, it instead uses data entered Payroll Attendance settings to determine the break down of hours.
ABC Shift = Employee works Monday to Friday from 8- 3pm
Payroll Attendance Settings = 8 hours are regular hours. Anything over is considered daily overtime.
Jane Smith, an Employee, is entered into the system. Her shift is 8-3pm. Because the system is fault is based on Payroll Attendance Settings, Jane is able to work from 8am - 4pm without receiving overtime. If Administrator chooses to use the Shift system, then any work after then 8-3pm shift would be considered overtime.
Scenario #1
BoVi HR comes built with three types of Off Days:
1. Global Off Days - All employees have the same work days and off days
2. Weekly Specific Off Days - Each employee has their own fixed off days per week.
3. Schedule Specific Off Days - Used when employee[s schedules change weekly and are dynamic