Removing Holiday Pay for Hourly workers not scheduled to work 0 0

Last updated on Dec 28, 2022 03:34 in Payroll » Scenarios
Posted Bybackofficevi



December 25th and 26th are holidays.  Though a shift/waged employee is not scheduled to work on those days, the system pays him Holiday Pay. 


Unless specific days off are assigned to an employee or the employee schedule is set to Time off for the holiday, BoVi HR assumes the employee is scheduled to work based on the global workday schedule which is set under the Organization menu

Solution:  Set December 25th and December 26th as Off Days for the Employee. 

Navigate to Attendance > Schedule.  Hover over the day and then select the trash-can option. This action turns the schedule workday into an off day for the employee. 

Once all employees are updated, publish the calendar and rerun payroll. 

** The time is base on America/New_York timezone