How the "Import" Feature Works
Navigate to the Employee Page:
Begin by accessing the Employee Page within the system.
Locate and Click the "Import" Button:
On the Employee Page, you will find the "Import" button. Click this button to proceed.
This action will redirect you to the Manage Employee Template Page, where you can choose between two import options.
Import Options:
Upon reaching the Manage Employee Template Page, you will encounter two available options for importing data:
Import Employee
Import Template
Upload via CSV:
Under the Import Employee section, you will find the "Import Employee File" field. Here, you can upload a CSV file containing employee data.
Import Using Predefined Template:
Additionally, you have the option to Import From Template by selecting a predefined template from a dropdown list.
After selecting a template, the system will match the column headers in the CSV file against the expected headers in the selected template.
Template Column Matching:
The system will automatically verify the integrity of the uploaded CSV file by ensuring the column headers in the file match the expected template structure.
If any discrepancies are found (e.g., missing or mismatched columns), the system will flag them and provide guidance on the required adjustments for successful import.
Begin by navigating to the Import Template tab in the system.
Choose the CSV File to Import:
In the Import Template section, select the CSV file you wish to upload. This file will contain the employee data you intend to import.
Upload the CSV File:
After selecting the desired file, click the "Upload CSV" button.
The system will process the file, and once uploaded, it will redirect you to the next step in the template configuration process.
Column Mapping and Header Matching:
The system will display a list of available columns from the template alongside the headers from the uploaded CSV file.
A dropdown menu will appear for each column, allowing you to match the correct template column to the corresponding CSV header.
For example:
The dropdown will allow you to select the appropriate data field (e.g., "Employee Name," "Hours Worked," "Employee ID") from the CSV file for each template column.
Finalize the Column Matching:
Ensure that each column is correctly mapped by selecting the corresponding CSV header for each template field. This step ensures that the data from the CSV file will align properly with the template’s expected format.
Proceed to Next Step:
Once all columns are correctly mapped, click the "Save" button to proceed with the import process.
Review and Confirm the Template:
The system will present a summary of the column mappings, allowing you to review and confirm that the data will be imported correctly.
If everything looks good, you can finalize the template creation and proceed with importing the employee hours.
Access Edit and Delete Options:
Once the template is created, you can manage it directly from the Import Template tab:
Edit Template: You can make changes to any previously created template by selecting the "Edit" option. This allows you to modify the column mappings or replace the uploaded file if needed.
Delete Template: If you wish to remove a template, the "Delete" option will allow you to delete the template from the system. Be sure to confirm the action, as it is irreversible.